Several members of the Monarch Initiative convened upon sunny Palo Alto, CA for the International Society for Biocuration (ISB) annual meeting . The meeting, held at Stanford University from March 26-29, 2017, brought together experts in the field of biocuration and included presentations, posters, and workshops on the topics of curating biological data, database creation and maintenance, community annotation, and education. Between brief, but glorious, moments of sun soaking (reminder: several of us are from rainy Portland), we enjoyed meeting our fellow biocurators and presenting talks and posters. Here’s a brief overview of the presentations from four Monarch team members, including links to the slides and posters in case you missed them! Melissa Haendel, Monarch co-PI, presented a talk titled “How Open is Open?” discussing the open science principles of FAIR TLC. Here, FAIR TLC stands for making data: Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable, Traceable, Licensed, and C...